Rep. Anne Graham
Candidate for Maine State House District 105
North Yarmouth & Gray
“Caring for Our Community”


About Annie

As a retired pediatric nurse practitioner with over 35 years of experience, I always put my patients first. I worked with families from all walks of life and learned how to listen to and talk to anyone, no matter their background. In today’s divided world, I have the skills it takes to listen to and work with anyone, and as your Representative in Augusta, I have worked across the aisle to move our state forward and work on what matters most to the people of Gray and North Yarmouth.

During my most recent term, I supported child tax credits and tax relief for middle and low-income Mainers. I supported, along with my Health and Human Services committee members, wide-ranging measures to improve the health and well-being of all Mainers.

In addition to extensive volunteer work, I’ve served on the North Yarmouth Select Board, and represented Gray, North Yarmouth, and Pownal in the Maine House of Representative from 2010-2014. I know what it takes to get the job done. I am proud to have a proven record of working across the aisle to find the best solution, not the partisan solution. I care about our towns because this is where I’ve built my life–my husband and I raised our three sons right here in North Yarmouth, my husband is a Greely soccer coach and substitute teacher, and we’ve lived here for almost three decades.

I am running for re-election because we need to continue to work for the health, safety, and well-being of all Mainers. I want to build on the good work my colleagues and I have accomplished during my first term. It would be my honor to continue to serve as State Representative for House District 105 serving North Yarmouth and Gray, Maine.

(photo cred: Bill Bunn)

You can hear my discussion about the most recent legislative session with Senator Theresa Pierce and Kristina Egan (Executive Director of the Greater Portland Council of Governments) on the June 8th episode of the "Let's Connect" podcast. You can give it a listen on Spotify here. It's also available wherever you normally get your podcasts.

On the Issues

Affordable Health Care

I am a strong advocate for affordable health care, including lowering the cost of prescription drugs and health insurance coverage for all. I firmly believe in public health and strong prevention initiatives. As a retired nurse practitioner, I know prevention is far easier and more effective than treating illness.

While in office I was proud to serve on the Maine Legislature's Health and Human Services committee. I also sponsored and co-sponsored numerous pieces of legislation aimed at making healthcare more accessible for all Mainers such as, LD 1165 "An Act to Enhance Cost Savings to Consumers of Prescription Drugs".

Trail Access

If re-elected one of my top priorities will be making Maine’s trail systems more accessible to all Mainers even those in the more urban/suburban areas. By doing so we will make it easier for everyone to take advantage of so many of the outdoor recreational activities Maine has to offer. This will improve the quality of life and overall health of our community, help to attract young professional talent, and increase tourism dollars.

Property Taxes

I will fight to keep property taxes affordable. I will work to ensure that our communities receive fair state revenue sharing, state funding programs such as those that support affordable housing and federal dollars through the American Recovery Act.

Education and Early Childhood

I will work to keep Maine’s children and their families safe, educated and healthy through bipartisan legislation. I support and trust our educators to teach our children about history and science based on facts.

Environmental Protection

I will work for a clean environment and a sustainable energy future by supporting solar, wind, geothermal, tidal energy sources, and use of EVs. I will work to preserve our open spaces for the enjoyment of present and future Mainers and visitors to our beautiful state.


Maine is one large small town. I am blessed to live in one of those little towns. In these times of turmoil in our country, community holds us together. We must care for one another regardless of race, gender, ethnicity or who we love.

Behavioral Healthcare for Youth

While working with the Preble Street Teen Center, I saw how our current healthcare system is failing our youth. So many of those kids were struggling with behavioral health concerns and they were unable to access the resources they needed to get help. If re-elected I will continue my work in the house to ensure our state’s kids and teens have access to the behavioral care they need so they can live their best lives.

In Support of Anne

"Annie is a bridge builder and works with everyone to find the best solutions to Maine's problems. She has proved that she can, and she'll go to Augusta and do it again."

Matt Jacobson, Former Republican Candidate for Maine Governor, North Yarmouth

“We have always admired Annie's energy, and her long time engagement in town and state government. She is a hard worker--and we need that in Augusta!”

Katie Murphy and Peter Lindsay, North Yarmouth

”Having a voice in Augusta is very important. Having a voice that understands the needs of the elderly, retirees and young families. Annie knows first hand the issues facing our towns. We support a strong voice in Augusta. We ask you to join us to elect Annie Graham to the Maine House.”

The Carroll Family of Gray: Donnie & Iva; Neil & Amanda

Endorsed By


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Contact Annie

(207) 287-1430